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How Much Power Do You Need to Get Blue With Red Aura

Have you ever guessed what a friend was thinking before they said the words? Or, immediately bristled with a bad vibe from someone, but couldn't quite explain why? You're (probably) not a mind reader—but you are an aura reader. Everywhere we go, we perceive other people's energy on the auric field.

To put it simply, an aura is a vibrant ray of color composed of energy that flows around living things. Stemming from the Greek word for "breeze," our auras indicate our moods, emotions, and overall vibe.

Essentially, before we can even exchange hellos, our auras make the first impression for us. But there's a caveat: The human eye cannot see auras without training. This is why we have to retrain the way we look at things to allow ourselves to see our own outer light.

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It's worth the work. Once you can see auras, you may be able to understand yourself and others better. For believers, auras are a portal to a more mystical realm, and are evidence of a psychic nature that we cannot communicate or express.

I contend that by learning to read auras and understanding their colors and meanings, you can fine-tune your intuition. You're already communicating telepathically with others through the auric field. Through seeing auras, you can gain clarity as to why some people give you icky vibes and why you feel positive around others. Here's where to start.

Want to see your own aura color? Begin with a mirror and a white background.

Let's establish one thing: Anyone can read an aura. It's all about trusting your intuition. Look in the mirror for a minute in front of a white background. Concentrate on a focal point in the middle of your forehead. Without moving your eyes, scan the outer perimeter of your head and shoulders. The color you see surrounding your head and shoulders is your aura.

Another way to find your aura is to stare at your hands for approximately one minute. The glow you see radiating from the outside lining of your hands is your aura. Please note that it may take a few tries to actually see your aura. Practice makes perfect! Once you have found and noted your aura, we can get started.

Think you see something? Here's what the colors mean.


This shows a well-balanced personality, calm and open to possibilities. Those with white auras may have a tendency to take on the energy of others. White is the rarest of all aura colors.


Gray auras can denote a skeptical outlook, or a person prone to seeing the glass half empty. Opening themselves up to new possibilities is hard and will take effort, but necessary and rewarding.


A brown aura often indicates a time of selfishness and insecurity. Seeing a brown aura indicates you're in need of cleansing, or that you need to give more to others instead of taking.


A black aura can show a dark energy, brought on by selfish and unkind behavior. This aura's appearance may indicate that the person needs to let go of baggage that is inhibiting them from radiating positivity in their lives.


Passions run high with those who have a red aura, as they live by their desires and emotions. Creative to the core, red auras are always manifesting new goals and inspiring themselves through artistic outlets. Red auras can also indicate a moment of pivotal creative changes.


A pink aura denotes someone who gives their heart freely to others without demanding much in return. If you have a pink aura, make sure your giving energy is reciprocated by those you care about.


Creativity is key for those who have an orange aura. Their artistry brings peace to them, but only if they can focus on one thing at a time. The minds can be overactive, which means they need to hone in their ideas in order to make them a reality.


Those with yellow auras are high energy and exude optimism. It's helpful for yellow auras to live in the present without stressing about the future.


Green auras mark a grounded, hard-working person who is a nature lover. They are the builders of the auric color spectrum, which means that they welcome growth. The downside is that they may be prone to jealousy or competition.


Those with blue auras are emotionally sensitive and are self-expressive. They may be shy in letting their innermost feelings be known, which means you should listen when they do speak.


Those with teal auras are empathic and sensitive. At times they can be uneasy of change and nervous to embrace new situations, which may close them off to experiences.


An indigo aura denotes a wise person with an old soul. At times, they escape into their own secret world to protect their energy, minds, and hearts from others.


Where do you begin and another ends? The urge to merge with another is deep with a violet aura, as they are constantly seeking connection on a deep level. Spiritual awareness, emotional awareness, and psychic sentiments are marks of a violet aura.

Keep in mind that each aura color is associated with a different chakra, or energy center. For example, red—an aura associated with energy and vitality—relates to the root chakra.

Of course, you may see blended shades of the colors above. The ones listed are the most popular. You can have more than one color present in your enteric field, too. This is called a rainbow aura.

I can't see anything! Can I take a test?

Yes, it's possible to take a test to predict your aura color, as derived from personality traits, preferences and habits. Though ultimately, it's up to you to determine whether the results are accurate.

Or can I take a photograph of my aura?

According to Eileen Lee, founder of AURA AURA, who takes professional aura portraits, these photos can supposedly give insight into your various states of consciousness. Further, they can help you identify what you are calling in or what you should be calling in energetically to help in the manifestation process, she says.

"It can be incredibly affirming and validating depending on what we are going through," she adds.

But don't start reaching for your iPhone to take the picture. Eileen explains that it's impossible to see your aura in a photo without using a special camera (a.k.a. an aura camera), because the device has to record "the energy that is flowing around you."

Though it's been a topic of debate, Lee says that to capture an aura, "The camera's algorithm takes frequencies it reads from your body, and translates them to the corresponding colors. For example red hues generally measure between 400-480 THz and a higher frequency color like indigo blue is between 620=670 THz. The concept of energetic frequency is important in this context as it gives us insight into how fast energy is moving."

Do the locations of aura colors mean anything?

The pattern of the colors has a meaning, too. If you have an abundance of colors or a cluster of a specific color on the left side, it reflects the energy you're bringing in. If you have an abundance of colors or a cluster of a specific color on the right side, it reflects the energy you're putting out into the world.

Colors above the head (near the crown chakra) reflect your conscious emotional and mental state at the current moment. Colors near the bottom of your body (near the sacral chakra) reflect your subconscious state of mind at the current moment, or the emotions you're holding in.

Can I read other people's auras?

Stare at them or a photo of them for 45 seconds with one eye open and the other eye closed. You may have to repeat this a few times. But eventually, you'll be able to see a glow of color around them.

How can I tell if my aura is compatible with other people's?

As with astrological signs, certain aura colors are more compatible with others. Here's the breakdown.

  • If you have a white aura, then any color aligns with the energy. Be careful not to absorb other people's emotions because you're susceptible to that.
  • If you have a black aura, then a golden aura will serve as a healing energy for you both.
  • If you have a gray aura, a magenta aura can help you to find purpose and meaning.
  • If you have a brown aura, a light green aura will serve to open your heart.
  • If you have a red aura, a bright green aura will serve to help you both manifest passions into reality.
  • If you have an orange aura, a dark blue aura will boost positive vibes between you both.
  • If you have a yellow aura, the addition of a vibrant purple aura will help to inspire and motivate you both towards artistic ventures.
  • If you have a green aura, then the addition of a lilac aura will make you both more spiritually inclined.
  • If you have a blue aura, then the addition of a pink aura will lead to creative greatness together.
  • If you have an indigo aura, then the addition of a turquoise aura will make you both feel more social or called to do more outdoorsy activities.
  • If you have a violet aura, then a red aura will help both of you to understand mutual emotions on a soulful level.

Auras can change colors.

Your mood can change, and so can the color of your aura. This can depend on your company—as different energies can cling to our personal auras—and your degree of self-care. For that reason, it's important to drink a lot of water, get plenty of sleep, and avoid negativity. The good news is that we can clean our aura and bring back its vibrancy, even after a tough run.

Clean my aura? How do I do that?

Oftentimes, we pick up energies from others that aren't ours. This may make us feel out of sorts, exhausted, or anxious. When this happens, I believe it's time to cleanse your aura. You can do so by bathing or taking a shower with Epsom or Himalayan Salt, which will cleanse your energetic field, some say smudging your space and body with white sage helps, you can meditate, or use a selenite crystal like a wand across your body to detox all the negative vibes.

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